Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Tables Have Turned

Since 2012, I have been a registry consultant at Bed Bath and Beyond (excluding that year in the middle where I went and taught English in China because I thought becoming a teacher wouldn't be that hard). But now, the tables have turned! On the morning of Saturday, September 12th (forever famous in Lake County for the start of the Valley Fire), Steven and I set out to accomplish many errands. The longest errand, though, was creating our wedding registry.

Having spent several years helping couples construct their own registries, I already had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to register for. Luckily for me, Steven has spent several years listening to my stories of couples who come in to register but then pick out almost nothing, so he was amazing at helping pick out gifts.

Steven picked out the colors of our dinnerware and entertaining pieces, I picked out the colors of our appliances, and we mutually agreed on so many things. I don't understand why some couples struggle with this fun wedding task. We did spend two whole hours in the store, though, which I didn't anticipate since I already knew so much of what I wanted to put on the registry.

So, if you wander on over to the Bed Bath and Beyond website, you can now view (and let's be honest, judge) our wedding registry! Keep a few things in mind as you browse through it:

  1.  (What some registering couples don't seem to understand is that) Registries are supposed to contain a lot of gifts at all kinds of price points to give everyone lots of options. So, hells yes we put on a $480 blender! You don't have to buy it for us if it's not in your budget, though. We registered for WAY more gifts than we imagine we'll actually get but that's in order to give our friends and family tons of options. 
  2. We not only registered for things that we want and need, but we are also replacing things as well. So, yes, we do already have some pots and pans, but if anyone felt like getting us nicer ones than we've already got that would be fantastic. We also only own four dinner plates, so you better believe we'd be happy to get some of our dinnerware sets. 
  3. Every gift we receive will be special, but if you want it to be UNIQUE you have to make sure it gets removed from our registry in order to avoid duplicates. If you find an identical product somewhere else for cheaper, don't buy it! Get proof and take it to BBB and they will price match so that we can get the gift removed from our registry. (You wouldn't believe the hoops that company will jump through to make its customers happy.)
  4. Every gift off of a registry with BBB has free gift packaging and free shipping. So if you wander into the store and they tell you that they don't have something in store to walk away with, that's fine! That's great! Let them order it and have it shipped to us. Nobody opens their wedding presents on their wedding day anyway. 
As an employee, and now as a customer, I highly recommend Bed Bath and Beyond for all of your registry needs. And if you or anyone you know is getting married soon, come in and register with me! It's a fun way to spend an hour and a half.

Oh, yeah, and...